(217) 814-0504

Fraase Excavating, Inc.

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Land Consulting to Maximize Property Value

Make the best use of your property with the land consulting services from Fraase Excavating, Inc. in New Berlin, Illinois. We consult with landowners to identify the best place for a home, driveways, and pond placement, with a focus on flow and simple maintenance. We take into account the property's contours as well as surrounding land to create a full-site development plan.

Stones Pond Path Field Level Ground

Pond Construction

Pond & Lake Construction

Add a picturesque element to your property with a pond or lake. We provide both the design and engineering for new ponds and lakes, and we can also rebuild and restore existing waterways. We've developed a reputation for completing high-quality projects designed specifically for our customers--our projects have ranged in size, from a quarter-acre to 26 acres. We will also work with the landowner to make sure all the necessary permits have been obtained.

Conservation Work

Our conservation work is done with the local offices of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, as well as local soil and water districts. Projects include parabolic waterways, dry dams, terraces, stream band stabilization, and field pile projects. Each job begins with GPS field mapping and GPS installation.

Mine Reclamation

Our certification with the Mine Safety and Health Administration allows us to move materials back in place in old mines to stabilize them. We also mitigate overburdened mine sites and rock quarries.